The winning cohort of the Call for Innovators is enrolled in TFP’s unique Systems Fellowship Programme. This programme aims to foster and support the next generation of innovators who are systems-focused, values-based, impact-driven, and actively contribute to achieving the SDGs.
→ Pilot successfully implemented in 2021.
→ 10 week-programme with ten day in-person module developed specifically exclusively for that year’s winning cohort.
→ Designed and implemented with leading international academics and practitioners.
→ Topics: Futures & systems thinking; SDGs & social impact; Governance, regulation & finance; Personal development & coaching; Soft skills; Mental Health; Networking & relationship building; Cohort-specific modules.
→ Alumni mentor future cohorts, thus contributing to creating a global community and fostering paradigm shifts and long-term systemic change.
→ Access to finances and investors through TFP Social Impact Fund

Katrin Schuhen and Silke Haubensack
Wasser 3.0, Germany (2020 Cohort of Innovators for the Future)
It is initiatives like TFP that give you the energy, tail wind and inspiration to find ways of making the social-ecological transformation, that so many of us strive for, actually happen.

Wainright Acquoi
Co-Founder & CEO, TRIBE, Liberia (2020 Cohort of Innovators for the Future)
The TFP programme created a community of support, presence, and reflection. It has been both inspiring and enlightening to benefit from the programme as a fellow.