
Halifax, Canada







Aerosan Nepal offers a complete public toilet management system through a network of pay-per-use public sanitation facilities (HUBs).

The Project

Public toilets that treat waste on-site are critical to meet the sanitation needs of densely populated regions without centralized waste management systems. Aerosan Nepal offers a complete public toilet management system through a network of pay-per-use public sanitation facilities (HUBs). These HUBs are affordable ($0.08/ usage), modern, clean, safe, and offer equitable access to all genders and people with disabilities. Each HUB includes an anaerobic digester to collect human waste and converts it to biogas that powers a nearby tea shop.
With 3 HUBs operational, Aerosan Nepal has established willingness-to-pay for improved public sanitation, a sustainable and financial model, and strong support from local governments. According to WHO, WASH and waste management practices are essential among communities especially in times of COVID-19 to ensure healthy and safe human living.

Their Vision for the Future

Aerosan envisages 32 HUBs operating by 2030, serving 11,680,000 toilet visits/year, will be providing employment to 96 local people. Job opportunities would have substantially improved their livelihoods. They also hope that their impact will be visible in the community through reduction in outbreak of infectious disease such as cholera, diarrhoea, dysentery, hepatitis A, and typhoid.