Garbage Clinical Insurance

Malang, Indonesia







Garbage Clinical Insurance (GCI) is a micro health insurance program that uses the collection of garbage to finance healthcare for the community.

The Project

Garbage Clinical Insurance (GCI) is a micro health insurance program that uses garbage as a financial resource. With this program, the community pays clinical services by using garbage in an insurance scheme. Instead of paying for healthcare in money, community members hand in their trash to the GCI Team. The revenue made is used to finance a health clinic, to which all members have free access.

The main goal of Garbage Clinical Insurance is to organize communities to create sustainable financing from their own resources in order to improve the access and the quality of public health program from promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative aspects. At the same time, the programme offers an incentive for the community to start proper waste management and waste entrepreneurship from the household level.

Their Vision for the Future

Garbage Clinincal Insurance wants health services in Indonesia to be more inclusive and to be enjoyed by everyone. They see a future where garbage is not wasted and see themselves as taking a role in solving environmental and waste problems. Waste must be something that has value, as a handicraft, a fertilizer, or an energy source.