Indic AI
Gurgaon, India
Indic AI Foundation focus is on solving challenges that prevent financial and educational mainstreaming of people with disability.
The Project
Indic AI has created an accessible platform, Indic AI education, a free Online platform which provides high quality education for academic , professional, and job oriented courses for self-learning of students and support resources for teachers of disabled students. Online accessible education will ensure higher inclusion and employment for the disabled in the mainstream world. That’s one billion people looking for accessible education for their inclusion. Beyond that, they are using technology solutions that will help them to scale in other counties in a cost-effective way.
The future innovation is creating Tech solutions that can enable them to access education at par with non disabled people. Indic AI is creating an app, that will solve the high quality education and employment in high pay jobs.

Their Vision for the Future
High quality accessible and affordable education for people with disability so that they can be included in high pay mainstream jobs. Their inclusion will also ensure diversity and enhance the productivity of the private public and government organisations.