SmartFarms is a locally-developed smart farming system that will
allow farmers to have easy access to farm data.
The Project
The SmartFarms project is an affordable Internet of Things
system that enables farmers to collect and analyse data and make decisions that enhance
their agricultural outputs. It consists of an electronic dashboard that connects to sensors in
the field, which provide information about moisture, temperature, etc. The SmartFarmsystem enables farmers to automate processes, such as triggering an irrigation pump to release water when low moisture levels are detected. By enabling the practice of precision agriculture, SmartFarms helps farmers increase their yields, thereby contributing to greater food security in the community and better livelihoods for the farmers. SmartFarms is easy to use and uses locally-available inputs to create its system, making it affordable to small-scale farms and scalable to various local contexts.

Their Vision for the Future
SmartFarms envisions a future in which food security has been realised
across the globe, where technology is harnessed to empower and enhance the agricultural sector, leading to better livelihoods for farmers and healthier communities.